Writer's Group Page

Call or visit your local Barnes & Noble for information on writing group meetings at your area bookseller.  For South Jersey residents, two groups meet on the second and third Tuesdays of each month from 7:00-8:30 PM.
Writers at all levels and genres are invited to attend.

Second Tuesday
Facilitated by Susan Pitcher
Barnes & Noble Cherry Hill
911 Haddonfield Road (Former Garden State Park)
Cherry Hill, NJ  08002
(856) 486-1492

Third Tuesday:
Facilitated by Juliette Haynes (Since 1998)*
Home of the CJWGW (Central Jersey Writers Group Workshop)
Barnes & Noble East Gate Square
1311 Nixon Drive (Behind Moorestown Mall)
Moorestown, NJ  08057
(856) 608-1622

*(No December meeting.  The summer group facilitated by Susan Pitcher June, July and August)

Click on your left to access the (in)famous Edward Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest for bad opening lines of novels unwritten.  Better yet, submit your own entry.